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I’m Romien Van zyl wait

A Unique Case, A Fighter, A Survivor.

“This is a look into my unique journey of grace with a rare tumour”

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A bit of insight into my experience.


On, what I thought would be another perfectly ordinary day, I received devastating news that I had a very rare tumour inside my spinal cord, which could eventually leave me paralysed, even if treated. One in a million people worldwide gets diagnosed with an intramedullary spinal cord tumour. If South Africa has a population of 58 million people, it means that only 58 people in South Africa have such a tumour.

The tumour was a ticking time bomb, needing urgent, life-threatening, life-changing surgery.
At the time, I was happy, a career woman, loved my job and I could never imagine doing anything else.
Not for one minute did I ever think that this could all end and that I would be an incomplete paraplegic a few years later.
I have learnt so much and still have so much to be grateful for. This is my journey with a rare spinal cord tumour, which led to me being a disabled person. I now have a new normal, AND I AM HAPPY AND CONTENT!

To my husband, Leon
Thank you so much for everything you do for me. Thank you for treating me just as special with my disability, as before. Thank you for still bringing flowers and chocolates home when it is not my birthday or our anniversary. Thank you for almost 20 years together.
I love you

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Book Reviews


“Silent Thunder by Romien Van Zyl Wait is an extraordinary memoir that takes readers on a gripping journey through the author’s battle with a dangerous tumour in her spinal cord. This deeply personal account not only sheds light on the medical procedures and unforeseen challenges she faced but also delves into her recovery process and the new normal her life has taken on.

What sets Silent Thunder apartis the way Romien weaves in the metaphorical significance of thunder and lightning throughout her narrative. These natural phenomena, often associated with power and unpredictability, become a poignant symbol of the trials she endures. It’s almost as if they serve as a prophesy being fulfilled, guiding her throught he darkest moments of her life.

Romien’s honesty and authenticity shine through every page, capturing the readers heart from start to finish. Her raw emotions and vulnerability make it impossible not to emphathise with her struggles. She doesn’t shy away from sharing the physical and emotional pain she experienced, allowing reader to truly understand the magnitude of her journey.

One aspect that adds depth to Silent Thunder is the inclusion of photographs. These visual aids bring Romien’s story to life, allowing readers to witness firsthand the various stages of her journey. From hospital rooms to rehabilitation centers, these images provide a visual context that enhances the overall reading experience.

Throughout Silent Thunder, Romien emphasises the importance of resilience and finding strength in adversity. Her story serves as an inspiration for anyone facing their own battles, reminding us that even our darkest moments, there is always hope for a brighter future.

 The narrative structure of Silent Thunder is well-paced, keeping readers engaged from beginning to end. Romien’s story telling skills are commendable as she effortlessly transitions between past and present, painting a vivid picture of her experiences while maintaining a sense of urgency.

 In conclusion, Silent Thunder is a remarkable memoir that offers a unique perspective of the human spirit’s ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. Romien’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, and her ability to capture the reader’s heart through her honesty and authenticity is truly commendable. Her journey comes alive, making this memoir an unforgettable read.”

Francois Terblanche

Kate Watson, Auckland New Zealand

“Hey Romien. I’ve just read your book in one sitting! Thank you so much for sharing. I have a intramedullary c1 tumour, preferred diagnosis is diffuse astrocyoma. I’m on watch and wait but it’s terrifying! Thankfully it’s not changed since 2021 now. Just wanted to let you know how inspiring I found you! :)”

Marlene Steyn, Physio Therapist, South Africa

“Gister was ‘n volmaakte dag. Ek het jou boek gelees. Daar is baie woorde wat deur my flits, maar nie een is goed genoeg om te vertel hoe vol en vol vrede is my hart nie. Jou boek lig my gees tot hoër hoogtes. Ek is vol maar tog verlang ek daarna dat jou storie moet aangaan. Romien, jou storie is ‘n bomenslike werking van God. Geen verwyte in jou hart nie, maar liefde en dankbaarheid. Geloof wat soos die suiwerste goud skyn. Ek leer by jou. So oneindig dankbaar dat ons vriendinne kan wees. Mag jou storie wat jy so mooi aanbied in liefde, skares mense se lewens aanraak en verander na moed en geloof.
Jy is kosbaar. Die raarste pêrel.”

Dilip Singh, India

“Thanks Romien for sharing this book. I read it already and felt your difficult journey. This will be helping alot of people like us and prepare them mentally for the road ahead.”

Jan Andersen, Texas, USA

“Romien, Thank you so much for allowing me to download your book. You are such a strong and determined woman which is so impressive. I had an intradural extramedullary ependymoma in the lumbar region which was misdiagnosed 3 years before surgery. I finally had it checked out again when the pain was getting worse. Luckily I had moved to a big city (Fort Worth, Texas) where the doctors were better, and my daughter was an ER nurse. Long story short, I may have to have more surgery due to degenerative disc disease, scar tissue from radiation, and other symptoms. Although my surgery and recovery wasn’t as complicated as yours , I could still relate to the emotional experiences you had. Your book was very well written and inspirational. Thank you for writing it and explaining your experience in such detail ❤️”

Aileen Muilwijk, South Africa

I have known Romien for over 10 yrs and from the start of her journey with this vicious disease she has been a warrior! She has the strength of character I have never known before and reading her book has given me an ever deeper respect for her! Never does she say “Why me Lord”. She has just accepted her lot in life with such grace and strength.  I admire her more each day as a person and as a very close friend. Her book needs to be read to know what both her and her family have gone and still going through. Romien I salute you for your strength and personality and know we will be friends for life. God bless you. Your loving friend Aileen.

Thinus Verryne, South Africa

Liewe Romien, ek kon nie anders as om jou merkwaardige storie sommer vandag nog te lees nie. Dankie dat jy hierdie ongelooflike lewensreis met ons deel. Jou geloof en deursettingsvermoë het my weer opnuut inspireer en maak my opnuut innig dankbaar teenoor ons Hemelse Vader. Jy is ‘n baie besonderse vrou. Mag ons Groot Geneesheer jou in Sy hande hou en jou nuwe moed, vreugde en vrede gee. (Glo my vry, toe ek die laaste bladsy lees toe begin die donderweer dreun en die weerlig slaan! Jou storie is gesalf en sal tot opbou en troos vir baie wees). Shalom!!🙏”

Ilona Petzer, South Africa

Dear Romien, to say that you are an inspiration is an understatement. Reading your story just confirms the fact that you never gave up, even now, as it is an ongoing battle you never quit the fight,( without complaining I might add). As you find your faith and stength in Christ , your love for your family and expression in your creativity, your “joy slithers through” your being, for us to see and inspire. And Romien , never feel embarressed to stand up infront of people, as all we see is… a true warrior!  Love you.

Ilona (your sister-in-law, friend and fellow  artist)

Rassie Erasmus, South Africa

“Hi Romien.  Ek wil jou geluk wens met jou boek.  Dit was regtig insiggewend.  Ek haal my hoed af vir jou maar ook vir jou man wat jou so by gestaan het!!”

Fay Pienaar, South Africa

“Hi Romien. I have just read your book. What a journey of courage and positivity. The book was beautifully presented with photos and your description of how you felt every day was so touching. I tried to post a response on email , looks like it would not accept it. I am happy that you are making progress despite the frustrations you must be experiencing. Glad you have family support. I saw photos of you and Leon enjoying some travels with friends. So pleased you are able to get around.
We are having our 55 Nelspruit hoerskool reunion next year. Hope to see you and Leon there. Keep up your positive attitude and beautiful smile. You are an example to all of us.”

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